Taking flight into the future:
Navigating change with sustainable innovation

Chief Executive Officer's Report

The 2022/23 financial year presented a complex array of challenges both in the macroeconomic environment and within our business.

“Despite ongoing challenges, the strategic, financial and operational responses we put into place at the start of the pandemic continue to provide a sound and reliable framework within which to sustain our business and to begin looking towards a post-COVID-19 future."

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Key strategic pillars

Run airports icon

Run our airports

Run our airports efficiently, optimally, and innovatively.

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Develop airports icon

Develop airports

Groundwork, research and planning.

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Grow footprint icon

Grow footprint

Groundwork, research and planning.

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ACSA at a glance

Our Vision

To be the most sought-after partner in the world for the provision of airport management solutions by 2030.

Our Mission

To acquire, develop and manage world-class airports and related businesses for the benefit of all our stakeholders and the socio-economic development of South Africa.

Our Values

We define our values by using the acronym PRIDE: Passion – Results – Integrity – Diversity – Excellence.

Value Proposition

Connecting people to people, places, dreams, and opportunities.

Airport arrivals

Our mandate

In terms of the Airports Company Act (No. 44 of 1993, as amended), the Group is mandated to undertake the acquisition, establishment, development, provision, maintenance, management, operation and control of any airport, any part of any airport, or any facility or service at any airport that is related to the normal functioning of that airport.

Find out more about ACSA >


2023 Integrated Report
2023 Governance and Remuneration Report
2023 Annual Financial Statements
2023 Annual Financial Statements